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篇名 學習禪繞畫對於二年級學童注意力影響之研究
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Research on the Attention Influence with the Zentangle Curriculum for the Grade Two Students of Elementary School
作者 吳振鋒張筱暄
頁次 209-217
關鍵字 注意力禪繞畫單一受試者實驗多向度注意力量表AttentionZentangle drawingSingle-subject Experimental DesignMultidimensional Attention Scale
出刊日期 202209
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202209_11(2).0016




This study adopted a single-subject experimental design and a convenience sampling technique to recruit participants from the class taught by the researcher. The students were taught Zentangle drawing once weekly for a total of eight weeks. In the experiment, a multidimensional attention scale was employed for design of the pretest and posttest, which were conducted before and after the eight-week curriculum of Zentangle drawing. The pretest and posttest results were analyzed and compared statistically and qualitatively. This study analyzes the measurement dimensions of the multidimensional attention scale one by one. Among them, the improvement of continuous attention is the most significant, followed by dissociative attention, and finally selective attention. The improvement of attention is not affected in gender factors. On the whole, second-year students can significantly improve their attention after learning Zentangle drawing. According to the research results, the curriculum of Zentangle drawing developed in this study can be promoted to help learners relieve stress, stay calm, and learn to concentrate. Future studies may examine the diverse influence of Zentangle drawing on learners of various types.

