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篇名 我國高應用價值資料(high value data)規範之建議
卷期 34:3
並列篇名 Suggestion on Regulations of Taiwan's "High Value Data"
作者 許哲銘
頁次 051-071
關鍵字 高價值資料集政府資料開放再利用原始資料資料品質high-value datasetsopen government datare-useraw datadata quality
出刊日期 202203




Since 2013 when Taiwan's government promoted "open government data", a lot of datasets, which are readable, structured and Open Document Format, have been released on DATA.GOV. TW. However, Taiwan's Open Data Communities comment that some datasets are still closed, useless or hard to reuse, due to lack of data or poor availability of data. This article suggests that "high value data" can solve above-mentioned problems. Refer to the practices of the European Union, the Netherlands and Canada, as well as some examples of the difficulty of reusing dataset in Taiwan. Then suggests standards of identifying Taiwan's "high value data" and its legal effect.
