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篇名 炒焙溫度對大果苦茶油理化性質與氣味成分的影響
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 Influences of Roasting Temperature on Physicochemical Properties and Odorants of Camellia oleifera Seed Oil
作者 詹文君邱翊許富蘭何語佟張惠婷
頁次 061-072
關鍵字 大果苦茶油頂空固相微萃取分析氣味成分理化性質炒焙溫度Camellia oleifera sed o ilH ead-space s olid pha se m icroextractionO dorantPhysicochemical propertyRoasting temperature
出刊日期 202203
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.202203_36(1).0005


本研究探討大果油茶(Camellia oleifera)種子經過80、100與120℃炒焙後,對大果苦茶油理化性質與氣味成分的影響。研究結果顯示,種子炒焙溫度從80℃升至120℃,分析大果苦茶油的理化性質得知,苦茶油顏色由黃色轉變為略帶褐色的黃色,脂肪酸組成與酸價並無明顯變化,過氧化價為下降的趨勢,油脂穩定性指數隨著炒焙溫度而上升,可以增加大果苦茶油的穩定性。利用頂空固相微萃取技術分析大果苦茶油主要的氣味成分,炒焙溫度為80℃時,大果苦茶油的氣味成味主要為醛類化合物,隨著炒焙溫度提高為100與120℃時,氣味成分中呋喃類與吡嗪類化合物的含量增加。


The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of roasting temperatures (80, 100 and 12 0°C) ont he phy sicochemical pr operties a nd od orants of Camellia oleifera seed oi l. Results revealed that when the roasting temperature increased from 80°C to 120°C, the color of C. oleifera seed oil changed from yellow to light brownish yellow; both the fatty acid composition and acid va lue di d not c hange significantly; the peroxide va lue de creased; and the oil s tability I ndex increased. T he s tability of C. oleifera seed oi l w as i mproved w ith t he increase of roa sting temperature. T he odora nts of C. oleifera seed oil were an alyzed b y the head-space s olid pha se microextraction (H S-SPME). The m ain od orants of seed oil w ere a ldehydes a tt he roa sting temperature of 80°C, while with higher roasting temperature of 100 and 120°C, the contents of furans and pyrazines increased.
