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篇名 論《莊子》寓言與童年哲學方法論:以《莊子》敘事分析為主
卷期 49:10=581
並列篇名 On the Zhuangzi Fables and Methodology of Childhood Philosophy: Focusing on Analysis of Zhuangzi Narrative
作者 尹錫珉
頁次 065-078
關鍵字 《莊子》童年哲學教—學關係解體虛名性敘事哲學敘事題材連鎖敘事世界擴展ZhuangziThe Childhood PhilosophyDeconstruction of Teaching-Learning RelationshipFictionality of NameNarrative PhilosophyChain of Narrative ThemesExpansion of Narrative WorldA&HCI
出刊日期 202210




The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for childhood philosophy based on the Zhuangzi narrative. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics suitable for childhood philosophy in the narrative of Zhuangzi. These are the deconstruction of the teaching-learning dichotomy, the fictionality of name, and the narrative philosophy with narrative theme and narrative world as the core. This article seeks to explore the conditions under which these characteristics can become narrative texts of childhood philosophy and reconstruct the method of Zhuangzi narrative. This article also attempts to reconstruct the possibility of using the childhood philosophy of Zhuangzi from the perspective of childhood philosophy. In a word, this article aims to confirm the methodology of childhood philosophy contained in Zhuangzi by deconstructing and reconstructing the narrative of Zhuangzi.
