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篇名 「中國禮儀之爭」中的奉教士大夫之祭禮觀-以嚴謨的祭禮觀為例
卷期 49:10=581
並列篇名 The Viewpoints of Chinese Rites Controversy of Chinese Intellectuals Who Believed in Catholicism - From the Perspective of Yan Mo’s Viewpoints of Chinese Rites Controversy
作者 潘斌陳晶環
頁次 125-138
關鍵字 中國禮儀之爭嚴謨祭禮Debate on Chinese Etiquette Chinese Rites ControversyYan MoSacrificial RitesA&HCI
出刊日期 202210




Yan Mo used the hermeneutic style and method of Confucian classics to analyze the nature of Chinese sacrifice; its citation of the contents contained in ancient books is selective; it also compares Chinese sacrificial rites with the relevant rites of Catholicism. Yan Mo believes that Chinese ancestor worship is a way for future generations to remember and feel for their ancestors. It is a secular educational behavior, not a religious ceremony, in which there is no meaning of “seeking happiness”; offering sacrifices to Confucius is not mysterious, nor does it have the meaning of praying for blessings; Chinese sacrifices with Buddhist and Taoist elements and some folk beliefs should be banned.
