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篇名 兒童文學參與哲學教育的動機與示範-以「中國當代少數民族兒童文學原創書系」為例
卷期 49:10=581
並列篇名 Motivation and Demonstration of Children’s Literature Participating in Philosophical Education - A Case Study of “Chinese Contemporary Minority Children’s Literature Series”
作者 楊一
頁次 153-167
關鍵字 兒童哲學哲學教育兒童文學少數民族Philosophy for ChildrenPhilosophical EducationChildren’s LiteratureEthnic MinoritiesA&HCI
出刊日期 202210




In view of the philosophy for children is not a pure theoretical philosophy, but closer to the category of applied philosophy. Therefore, how to choose philosophy for children textbooks is the focus of academic and educational circles. Through network investigation and field investigation, this paper finds that philosophy textbooks for children in mainland China are mainly divided into the following two categories: philosophy primer and philosophy picture books for children. Among primary school students aged 6-12, picture books are already too simple for their developing cognitive abilities. However, the existing knowledge system and understanding are not enough to support their independent study of professional philosophy primer. Hence children’s literature with a full story become a more viable option. Based on the above conclusions, this paper further takes “Chinese Contemporary Minority Children’s Literature Series” as an example. It shows how to make philosophy education for children richer and more attractive by taking the existing children literature as the material and provides a reference case for children’s literature to participate in philosophical education.
