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篇名 談醫病關係的哥白尼轉向-「互為主體性」的醫病關係
卷期 49:10=581
並列篇名 Copernican Revolution in the Physician-patient Relationship - “Inter-subjectivity”
作者 黃苓嵐
頁次 169-184
關鍵字 醫病關係互為主體性病人中心說醫師中心說Physician-patient RelationshipInter-subjectivityPhysician-centerednessPatient-centerednessA&HCI
出刊日期 202210




To improve the tenser and tenser physician-patient relationship arising from the inequity in terms of medical knowledge and social status, Taiwan government enacted the Medical Care Act in 1986, emphasizing a patient-centered medical care system. Over-emphasizing one end of this relationship may turn out unbalanced and detrimental to the overall relationship. In the first “Copernican Revolution” we replace physician-centeredness with patient-centeredness to avoid absolute physician’s professionalism harming patient’s autonomy. However, over-emphasizing patient’s right and physician’s obligation may be also detrimental to mutual trust and aggravate ‘burnout’ problem. Therefore, in Taiwan, we urgently need another “Copernican Revolution” to reform this physician-patient relationship. We therefore proposed an exposition as a solution. A philosophical concept proposed for the solution in this delicate relationship is “inter-subjectivity”. Inter-subjectivity emphasizes that both patients and physicians should have equal right and obligation and that both sides should maintain their autonomy and integrity. This is the way that a virtuous cycle in the physician-patient relationship can be stably established. Following two steps are essential for the establishment of this “inter-subjectivity”: 1. The problem of physician-centeredness and patient-centeredness. 2. The value of “inter-subjectivity”: from “I-It” to “I-Thou”
