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篇名 土樟枝葉精油及乙醇抽出物之抗真菌活性
卷期 36:2
並列篇名 Antifungal Activities of Essential Oils and Ethanolic Extracts from Leaf and Twig of Cinnamomum reticulatum Hayata
作者 鄭森松陳育涵楊智凱
頁次 099-112
關鍵字 抗木材腐朽菌活性抗植物病原菌活性土樟精油抽出物Anti-wood decay fungal activityAnti-plant pathogenic fungal activityCinnamomum reticulatumEssential oilExtract
出刊日期 202206
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.202206_36(2).0002


本研究主要評估土樟(Cinnamomum reticulatum Hayata)葉子和枝條精油及乙醇抽出物的抗木材腐朽菌和抗植物病原菌活性,並利用氣相層析-質譜儀分析其精油成分。試驗結果得知,土樟葉子精油和乙醇抽出物的收率均比枝條高。至於土樟葉子和枝條精油成分之分析,其二者主要成分均以α-Cadinol(37.37%和34.52%)為主。至於抗真菌活性,土樟枝條精油抑制木材腐朽菌和植物病原茵的效果比葉子精油好。此外,土樟葉子和枝條乙醇抽出物對木材腐朽菌和植物病原菌的抑制效果均不佳。由上述結果得知,土樟枝條精油抗真菌活性效果良好,非常值得進一步開發環境友善的抗真菌藥劑。


This study investigated the anti-wood decay fungal and anti-plant pathogenic activities of the leaf and twig essential oils and ethanolic extracts from Cinnamomum reticulatum Hayata, and determined the constituents by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analyses. Based on the GC-MS analysis results, the major compound of leaf and twig essential oils was α-cadinol (37.37% and 34.52%). In addition, according to the results from bioassays, twig essential oil of C. reticulatum showed excellent anti-wood decay fungal and anti-plant pathogenic fungal activities more than leaf essential oil. However, leaf and twig ethanolic extracts of C. reticulatum showed lower anti-wood decay fungal and anti-plant pathogenic fungal activities. The excellent antifungal activity of the twig essential oil of C. reticulatum demonstrates a great potential as an eco-friendly antifungal agent worth future development.
