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篇名 跳出課本框架走向UbD雙語教學設計的師資培育課程紀錄
卷期 73:3
並列篇名 Applying the UbD Template to Scaffold the Design Process of Bilingual Teaching for Students in Teacher Education
作者 林淑媛嚴愛群
頁次 085-098
關鍵字 Understanding by Design(UbD)重理解的課程設計跨領域雙語教學雙語師資培育Understanding by Design UbD lesson planninginterdisciplinary teachingbilingual educationpre-service teacher education
出刊日期 202209
DOI 10.6249/SE.202209_73(3).0021


本文呈現中學英語組師資培育生如何從依賴課文教學到雙語教學設計與實踐的歷程以及省思建議。研究者將教材教法與教學實習兩門課程,以上下學期共四期進程規劃,以培養師培生能應用Understanding by Design(UbD)教學設計模式,設計跨領域的雙語學習活動為課程目標。根據教學歷程中師生的互動與27份的教案分析,提出三個課程執行需求建議:一、需要更充裕的教學時數;二、需要跨域專業教師支援;三、師培生需要培養多元閱讀與閱讀策略教學能力。本文所提出的討論與建議,供日後相關雙語師資培育課程發展之參考。


Students in teacher education rely on the content of textbooks in teaching, but they are not familiar with teaching design independently. In this article, the researcher invited serval students to participate in the scaffolding process, applying the UbD template to facilitate their lesson plans for bilingual teaching. From the observation of the classroom interaction and the analysis of 27 lesson plans from the students, three leading suggestions of implementation are proposed: 1. the need of sufficient time allotment for scaffolding; 2. the need of the support from subject teachers when designing interdisciplinary courses; 3. the need of enhancing students’ ability of teaching reading strategies and expanding the variety of text types.
