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篇名 君位繼承及其合法性來源-以《春秋》中隱、桓繼位正當性之爭為例
卷期 49:11=582
並列篇名 The Succession of the Monarch and the Source of Its Legitimacy
作者 陳峴
頁次 079-094
關鍵字 《春秋》君位繼承禪讓儒家倫理Spring and AutumnSuccession of the MonarchDemiseConfucian EthicsA&HCI
出刊日期 202211




Spring and Autumn deleted the “Monarch ascends the throne” at the AD year, which reveals Yingong and his half-brother Huangong’s dispute over the legal order of the throne. Zuozhuan believes that Huangong enjoys priority in the line of succession because of his mother’s identity. Gongyangzhuan and Guliangzhuan believe that the identity of them is not very different, age and moral quality are more important, and Yingong is indeed the appropriate successor. During the debate, scholars expounded the meaning of “Praise and Criticism” in Spring and Autumn from the perspective of the principle of legitimacy of inheritance of the throne and the review of the behavior of renunciation. Scholars in the Song Dynasty combined the will of the ancestors, the canonization of the emperor and the order of seniority and inferiority, and reconstructed the principle of the legitimacy of the succession based on Confucian ethics.
