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篇名 論黃久菴「思」的工夫
卷期 49:11=582
並列篇名 A Study on Huang Jiuan’s Concept of “Si”
作者 何威萱
頁次 159-174
關鍵字 黃久菴王陽明艮止致知格物Huang JiuanWang YangmingGenzhiZhizhiGewuSiA&HCI
出刊日期 202211




In order to correct the error and deviation of the theory of Wang Yangming, Huanf Jiuan, a disciple and the relatives by marriage of Wang, emphasized “Genzhi” as the object of his academic thought in his senectitude. Under the theory of “Genzhi,” he regarded “Zhizhi” as the method of self-cultivation, and the results is “Gewu”. Although Huang stipulated the substance of “Zhizhi” is “Si,” he did not give a clear definition of it. Thus the acknowledgements and interpretations made by recent scholars were at variance. In this article, I tried to reanalyze the concept of “Si” that mentioned by Huang. It reveals that “Si” is a method to investigate the ideal principles of human relations. People can trace and then erect the essence of these principles after engaging in practicing “Si,” so the world can be reordered eventually.
