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篇名 臺灣六年制物理治療教育於居家照護的特色
卷期 26:6
並列篇名 The Characteristics of Six-Year Doctor of Physical Therapy Education in Taiwan Home Care
作者 蘇信昌
頁次 714-719
關鍵字 居家物理治療居家復健居家照護home physical therapyhome-based rehabilitationhome heatthcareTSCI
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202211_26(6).0010




In Taiwan, the six-year doctoral of physical therapy (DPT) program had more courses compared with four-year physical therapy program such as pharmacology, imaging, nutrition, evidence medicine practice (EBP) and the differential diagnosis of physical therapy. Moreover, the service field of physiotherapist were extended from hospital or clinic care to home-based and community-based care. However, there were different types of patients’ needs in the home care environment such as post-acute care (PAC), long-term care (LTC) and palliative care. This article introduced (1) the development of home physical therapy in Taiwan, (2) the assessment tools, treatment guidelines, and risk for home care practice, and (3) the evidence of effectiveness of home physical therapy. Finally, these kinds of home care concepts were expected to make the overall physical therapy more comprehensive.

