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篇名 提升血液透析室生物醫療廢棄物之分類正確率方案
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Improving the Biomedical Waste Classification Accuracy of Hemodialysis Room
作者 蕭玉芬高玉貞陳妍廷陳榆婷楊明明
頁次 030-046
關鍵字 血液透析生物醫療廢棄物正確率hemodialysisbiomedical waste classificationaccuracyTSCI
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.53106/172674042022112101003




If medical waste is not handled properly, not only staff will expose in high-risk environments but also increasing the cost of processing environmental hazards. The abnormal rate of Classification Audit in our department is up to 20.7%. The purpose of this project is to improve the classification accuracy rate of biomedical waste. The execution period is from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019. We analyzed and found out the problems as followed. First, insufficient knowledge of medical waste classifications among medical personnel, patients and accompanying of patients. Second, the unit's medical waste bins were not clearly classified due to lacking of guidance tools. Third, shortage of trolley carts with poor sorting system. Fourth, award system is not completed. These can be improved by providing on-the-job training. Also providing reminder charts, health manual instructions and poster of accurate classification. A promotional video, table charts or cards of accurate classification with pictures and descriptions will help. More trolley carts with functional categories and design to have a better recycle of mobile infectious needle recovery trolleys. Last but not least, a complete award system with audit, rewards and penalty is also a great help. By doing so, the accuracy of Classification project will be improved to 93.3% from 57.9%. The abnormal rate will drop to 5.1% from 26.4%. Medical personnel awareness increased to 100% from 70%. The public awareness will also increase to 85% from 52%. It will effectively improve the safety of the medical environment and the quality of care.
