
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 《列朝詩集》編纂體例考-兼及作者意圖之反思
卷期 60
並列篇名 Compilation Principles of the Liechao shiji and a Reconsideration of the Author’s Intention
作者 徐隆垚
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 錢謙益《列朝詩集》分卷體例作者意圖文學史書寫Qian QianyiLiechao shijicompilation principles by volumeauthorial intentioncomposition of Chinese literary historyTHCI
出刊日期 202203




This paper comprehensively investigates the compilation principles of the Liechao shiji and its narrative, which have received insufficient scholarly attention. By synthesizing the evidence of the poets’ ancestral homes, official titles, social networks, number of selected poems, and other aspects, I reconstruct the compilation principles of each volume, and classify the 81 volumes into 54 author types. Classification of the author types is based on three concepts: political identities, poetry schools, and regional identities. Political identities were constructed based on literati’s political allegiance, position in the bureaucracy, or participation in significant political events. Poetry schools were centered on poets whose names were mentioned together, or who shared social connections or literary lineages. Regional identities were tied to the ancestral homes of poets who were not employed by the government and to the social connections or literary reputation of officials. This typological classification of the Liechao shiji by volume brings into question previous scholarship on the author’s intention. First, Qian Qianyi’s political intention is not limited to the Jiaji qianbian volume, but mainly manifests itself in the volumes on senior officials or generals who rendered outstanding services, and in Qian’s interpretative approach to political events, namely utilizing poetry to interpret history. Second, Qian’s intention in composing literary history is revealed not only through his literary comments, but also embodied in the compilation principles by volume. Scholarly attention thus should also be paid to the grand narrative of literary history that integrates seemingly scattered literary schools into a diverse and interactive literary ecology. Third, Qian’s cultural geography goes beyond the Wuzhong poetry school: regional schools such as the Fujian poetry school and the Jinling poetry school are parts of Qian’s geographic focus that are deeply entangled with his literary history and political intention. In sum, my investigation of the compilation principles with a focus on textual criticism can further theoretical construction based on historical sources, the study of Qian Qianyi, and the canonization of Chinese literature in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.
