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篇名 一位輸尿管腎盂連接處阻塞女性病人行腎盂整形術之手術全期照護經驗
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 A preoperative nursing experience regarding pyeloplasty in a female patient with ureteropelvic junction obstruction
作者 陳姮年葉惠玲
頁次 061-072
關鍵字 輸尿管腎盂連接處阻塞腎盂整形術手術全期護理Ureteropelvic junction obstructionPyeloplastyPerioperative nursing
出刊日期 202212




This case report describes the perioperative nursing experience of caring for a 74-year-old female with ureteropelvic junction obstruction who underwent pyeloplasty. The nursing period was from 13 to 25 May, 2018. The patient’s problems were assessed based on Gordon’s functional health assessments. The major issues were preoperative knowledge deficit, fear of potential surgical risks, and postoperative anxiety. Before the surgery, active care was provided, doubts were clarified, and operation pictures were used to provide knowledge about the surgery. On the day of the surgery, body temperature was measured, protective materials were placed, and electrocautery was correctly used to avoid injuries during the operation. After the operation, the patient was anxious due to previous unsuccessful operations. Therefore, the reasons for the placement of the double J catheter were explained and regular follow-ups were conducted to protect kidney functioning and to reduce the source of anxiety. The operation period was limited, requiring a comprehensive and individual evaluation within a limited amount of time. This is a big challenge for surgical nurses. A more comprehensive and continuous care model for each surgical case requires an enhanced complete care mechanism. This case report may serve as a useful resource for nursing staff while caring for similar cases in the future.
