
臺灣傳播學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 「三民主義新聞制度」下的公共電視藍圖:紀念李瞻教授1970年代改革「老三台」的理想
卷期 42
並列篇名 Blueprint for public television under the “Three People’s Principles News System” Commemorating Li Zhan’s ideal reform of the “Old Three Channels” in Taiwan
作者 邱家宜
頁次 183-217
關鍵字 三民主義新聞制度公共電視李瞻老三台張繼高Chang Ji GaoLi ZhanNews System of the Three People’s PrinciplesOld Three Channels TelevisionPublic TelevisionTSSCI
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.53106/172635812022120042005




In the 1970s, Li Zhan was the first to advocate the establishment of public television in Taiwan. Li Zhan believed that public television was the best television system for Taiwan. He opposed the advertising competition, low-quality programs, and dialect programs of the “old three television stations” and claimed to convert them into public television through legislation. He campaigned for public television realization under martial law, proposing the “Three People’s Principles News System” as the theoretical basis for such implementation. It assumed dictatorial leaders must be morally and intellectually superior and should play a leading role in public television although the 1997 Public Television Act emphasizes legislative approval. Taiwan’s social democratization has engendered a different context for “public television.” Consequently, subsequent advocates for the establishment of public television did not follow Li Zhan’s ideas when facing opposition from the political and economic sectors.
