
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Method for Measuring the Angular Velocity of a Target by Laser Information Field and the Engineering Design
卷期 33:5
作者 Hongtian LiuYang CaoChao SongDongjun WangHongwei WuWanjun ZhangHai Lin
頁次 175-184
關鍵字 laserinformation fieldtrainingmeasurementangular velocity of the targetsmoothnessaccuracyEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202210
DOI 10.53106/199115992022103305015



To address the problem that the data related to the relative motion angular velocity of the target encapsulated in the fire control system cannot be obtained in real time during training, this paper proposes to use a laser transmitter to emit multiple concentric laser pulses to form a laser information field, measure the position of the vehicle in the information field by detecting the movement of the vehicle in the information field and the laser frequency value, and then calculate the relative angular velocity of the target. This method simulates the effect of real operation training and is used to measure the relative angular velocity of the target movement in the laser information field to determine the tracking smoothness and aiming accuracy of the operator in the process of tracking the target, and can be applied to the design of a training system for operator training.

