
臺北大學法學論叢 TSSCI

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篇名 黑格爾的法哲學與客觀歸責論
卷期 124
並列篇名 Hegel’s Legal Philosophy and the Theory of Objective Imputation
作者 顏厥安
頁次 181-271
關鍵字 社會的自由行為理論主觀意志的法認識的法知的可能去道德化成就結構個人主義陷阱組織的責任替代強韌合理主義Social FreedomTheory of ActionRight of the Subjective WillThe Right to KnowThe Possibility to KnowDe-MoralizationThe Structure of AchivvementTrap of IndividualismReplacement by Organizational ResponsibilityRobust ReasonablenessTSSCI
出刊日期 202212




Taking Hegel’s objective imputation theory as the main object of this research, I try to rethink and interpret this theory within the context of contemporary research in this paper. The key to understand Hegel’s legal and political philosophy is to grasp the most reasonable legal institution for this era in the spirit of individual freedom and liberation, equal dignity (recognition), and rational exploration. This kind of freedom is the social freedom realized through legal institutions which manifest a robust reasonableness. Unlike most previous studies which focused mainly on the ‘Ethical Life’, I elucidate the relevant issues in the ‘Morality’-chapter from Outlines of the Philosophy of Right, especially the philosophy of action and responsibility, and point out the right of subjective will and the right to know are the basic elements of the theory of objective imputation. Base on that, I review and discuss Karl Larenz’ Dissertation which expanded Hegel’s theory to negligence and strict liability, and go further to point out that the achievement structure of modern world is already an impersonal and de-moralized organization or system. This structure brings out two serious questions: trap of individualism and replacement by organizational responsibility. How to develop a new conception of responsibility based on robust reasonableness will be a major challenge for legal and political philosophy.
