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篇名 「理」解中庸:朱熹理學視域下的《中庸》整體性
卷期 50:1=584
並列篇名 The Integrity of Zhongyong in ZhuXi’s View of Neo-confucianism
作者 許朝陽
頁次 003-017
關鍵字 《中庸》中庸中和天理The Doctrine of the MeanThe Golden MeanModeration and HarmonySincerityHeavenly PrincipleA&HCI
出刊日期 202301




As originally one article of Liji, Zhongyong came to be an important document of Neo-confucianism after extracted. However, the concept of mean is not found in the first chapter, and discussions about the concept are not sufficient, even without clarified identification. Therefore, some scholars think that Zhongyong is assembled by two parts, and the concept of mean should be understood back to the ritual study. To the contrary, ZhuXi believed that Zhongyong was an integrated work with the first chapter as the guiding principle. In ZhuXi’s opinion, the principle of mean means to make appropriate, and the criterion of appropriateness is heavenly principles. The pure heavenly principle means Cheng. Thus, the whole book is integrated as one. In the way of comprehension, the heavenly principle is the most fundamental concept in stead of Zhongyong. Consequently, Zhongyong is not a clear concept until heavenly principle get purely presented.
