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篇名 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉人文聚落整體發展構想
卷期 64
並列篇名 The Cultural Settlement Development Concept of Juisui Township Hualian County
作者 傅茹璋
頁次 187-205
關鍵字 瑞穗鄉人文聚落客家移民菸葉文化Juisui TownshipHakka ImmigrantCultural SettlementTobacco Culture
出刊日期 202107




This study uses methods from literary review, field research, in-depth interviews, group interviews, and planning and design. It integrates the host plan and related plans, conducts research on local resources, and promotes Hakka culture. This study interviews 89 local people. It combines these views and proposes a "Hualian County Juisui Township Cultural Development Concept”. This study drafts a Juisui Township blueprint with three development areas. Each area has its own characteristics and its own development and planning. Area I: Batsai-Gewui Hakka Area. This is the first place the Hakka settled when they arrived in Juisui. Plans for this area involve “one district and two tours“. They include “Hakka Immigrant Religion District”, “Ecological Firefly Culture Tour, and Hsinchun- Juing Time Gallery Tour”. Area II: Japanese Occupation of Immigrant Hakka Canteen Area. This area is the one of the early Japanese immigrant villages. This area preserves the religious customs of the Japanese immigrants and the tobacco sheds built during the Japanese occupation. It includes a “Japanese Occupation Immigrant Religion District” and a “Tobacco Culture Area”. Area III: Suiwei Industrial Culture Area. This area preserves the hot springs resources and tobacco sheds from the Japanese occupation era, as well as the urban planning area. It includes a "Tobacco Shed Culture District”, a “Suiwei Hot Springs Area”, and a “Hakka Immigrant Culture Area”. This study proposes integrating the facilities, the activities and the manpower for the hardware, software and firmware. It proposes improving local organization management and manpower cultivation. It encourages young people to return to their hometowns to innovate industrial management. It helps the Juisui Township achieve its goal of sustainable development.
