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篇名 餐飲「連鎖加盟創新與創業」PBL教學學生情意評量之研究
卷期 65
並列篇名 A study on students’ affective assement in PBL teaching of Catering Franchise Innovation and Entrepreneurship
作者 蔡欣延李青松
頁次 209-230
關鍵字 學習成效認同度學習知覺回饋課程滿意度recognition of learning effectivenesslearning perceptual feedbackthe satisfactory degree of course
出刊日期 202201




The Ministry of Education responds to domestic and foreign teaching trends, encourages university teachers to engage in innovative teaching practice research, and adopts multiple teaching methods to enhance students’ motivation to learn. PBL is one of the widely adopted teaching methods. The purpose of this study is to explore the affective assement of students after participating in the PBL course of Chain Franchise Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the catering industry. In the semester of the 108 academic year, the third-year students of the Department of Hospitality Management in Hsing Wu University taking Chain Franchise Innovation and Entrepreneurship course are targeted, a total of 48 students (including 45 students in the fourth-grade restaurant and hospitality department and other non-restaurant students) 3 people), conducting an eighteen-week teaching research; using questionnaires surveys, document analysis and reflection records as the basis for analyzing students’ affective assement. The results of the study indicates that, in terms of affective, in both questionnaire and text feedback, most students hold a highly positive attitude (average value= 4.3±0.7), and willing to continues to take related PBL courses (92.5%). Through the planning of PBL course teaching, adopting the strategy of group cooperative learning, and evaluating in multiple ways, learners showed high course satisfaction (average value= 4.2±0.7).
