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篇名 政府機關開放其未享有完整著作財產權 政府資料之可能方法芻議
卷期 34:8
並列篇名 How to open "government data" the copyright of which doesn't belong to government
作者 許哲銘
頁次 053-071
關鍵字 政府資料開放法定授權強制授權三步測試比例原則open government datastatutory exemptionstatutory licensethree-step testproportionality
出刊日期 202208




When a government agency wants open "government data", which an agency acquires within respective authority, but the copyright of data doesn't belong to government, an agency should be with the consent of the economic rights holder. However, there is too much data to confirm the rights holder of every dataset one by one, because it must spend too much time and government funding. In order to solute this predicament, this article first reviews regulation of "limitations on economic rights" in Japanese and Korean Copyright Act. Then proposes two solutions for Taiwan's policy on opening and re-use of government data. One solution is to make regulation of "limitations on economic rights". Another is that requests the government to get license of the rights holder proactively, when people apply or advise to open government data.
