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篇名 我國對外輸出遠距醫療服務之跨境傳輸個人資料法遵問題初探-歐盟與中國相關法制研析
卷期 34:11
並列篇名 Preliminary survey on legal compliance of cross-border transfer of personal data in related to export of Taiwan telemedicine services:an analysis of relevant legal compliance in the EU and China
作者 施雅薰
頁次 048-072
關鍵字 遠距醫療個人資料跨境傳輸《一般資料保護規則》《數據出境安全評估辦法》Telemedicinecross-border transfer of personal dataGeneral Data Protection Regulation Measures for Data Export Security Assessment
出刊日期 202211




Taiwan's excellent medical service are well-known and has been recognized by the world. Thus, exporting Taiwan's telemedicine service to other country might have competitive advantages. However, since telemedicine is consisting of many types of service, some type of telemedicine service might involve in cross-border transfer of personal data legal issue. By brief introduce of the relevant cross-border transfer of personal data regulations in EU and China, it hopes that the risk of legal compliance in data transfer for stakeholders could be reduced while providing cross-border telemedicine services.
