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篇名 兒童參與了沒?台灣兒童人權指標調查報告之內容分析
卷期 43
並列篇名 Do the children participate in all matters affecting them in Taiwan? Content Analysis of Taiwanese Children、Human Rights Index Report
作者 陳秀蕙吳淑惠馮燕
頁次 035-069
關鍵字 PPCT模型兒童參與兒童權利內容分析表意自由PPCT modelchild participationcontent analysischildren's rightsfreedom of opinion
出刊日期 202212


2021年6月29日一位七歲男童死於柔道教練無視於他因身心不適,乞求停止訓練 之意見表達,此悲劇直指成人應當認知到兒童參與自身日常生活事務之重要性。本研究 以「過程-個體-情境-時間」模型(PPCT)為理論基礎,用内容分析法分析2007-2015 年台灣兒童人權指標報告中,有關兒童參與學校及社區事務之98筆專家意見文本,結 果發現兒童參與自身日常生活事務之困境,來自與之其互動過程中成人對兒童參與權的 認知不足,尤以「過程」與「情境」此二元素的影響為甚。故建議介入策略,於鉅視面, 應提升成人對兒童主體性的認知及對兒童參與其自身日常事務之重視;於微視面,應提 供教導成人在與兒童參與互動過程中所需之具體操作方法與工具。


There are two basic core elements for ensuring the child's right to participate, for one is the child has the right to express the views freely in all matters affecting the child, and for the other one is the views of the child should be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child by adults. Even though the child is the subject of this right, these two elements still are controlled by the adult around the child. It means that the adult beside the child plays the most important role in the participation process and action of the child. This study explores the child's participation from an analysis of 98 pieces of adult expert opinions based on the PPCT model. The findings show that adults are lacking awareness of the child's participation right and in need of proper methods to assist them. It is suggested to the child's participation right at large and develop tools and methods for adults5 proper interaction with child by an interdisciplinary approach. It is thus to create a friendly context for the child-adult interaction process.
