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篇名 疫沖限定特調三合一的哲諮療癒咖啡
卷期 50:2=585
並列篇名 A 3 in 1 Specialty Coffee of Philosophical Counseling and Healing: A Combined Approach Specific to the Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Terms of I Ching,Taoism, and the Avatamsaka Sutra
作者 許鶴齡
頁次 133-151
關鍵字 哲學諮商設計思考《易經》道家華嚴Covid-19Philosophical CounselingDesign ThinkingI ChingTaoismAvatamsaka SutraCovid-19A&HCI
出刊日期 202302


2019 末至2021 新冠疫情造成全球人類不論總體或個別,生理或精神的多重影響。面對外在災疫疾病的苦難和失序混亂的生活情境,衝擊個己的欲望、預設價值和信念的回應,因而或多或少引發認知與情緒的苦楚,造成生命的困境。如何藉由導入「設計思考」的哲學對話思辨,以哲學睿智反思人生變動、危機或挫敗等關鍵課題,助人能系統思考世界與洞察自我能力,由關鍵思維解憂減壓並達到心靈免疫的預防保健,富創意地動態平衡以提升其生命與生活品質。本文透過疫情期間,匠心精選集《易經》、道家與華嚴三合一,限定特調具洞察力、適應力、專注力、流暢力、療癒力的複合配方,透過哲學諮商對話加以沖調,在暢飲品味中開創後疫情的紓壓、休閒、科技及藝術的生活方式。本文除前言與結語,以四個部分予以探究,「壹、前言、貳、面對Covid-19 疫情的人生設計、參、特調《易》沖變易哲學諮商、肆、特調道藝自在哲學諮商、伍、特調華嚴芳療哲學諮商、陸、結語。」


From the end of 2019 to 2021, the new coronavirus epidemic has caused multiple physical and mental influences on individuals and the human race around the world. Facing sufferings caused by epidemics, diseases, and external disasters and facing chaotic life situations can have huge impacts on individual desires, pre-set values and beliefs, give rise to cognitive and emotional suffering, and lead to a predicament of life. By introducing the philosophical dialogues and dialectics of “design thinking” and by reflecting on changes, crises, and frustration in life with philosophical wisdom, we can help people think systematically about the world and gain insight into their own abilities; through key thinking, we can help people reduce stress, release worries, accomplish the preventive measure of mental immunity, and finally enhance life and living quality in a creative and dynamic balance. Selecting sections from I Ching, Taoism, and the Avatamsaka Sutra, this paper proposes a three-in-one combined therapy that is equipped with insight, adaptability, concentration, fluency, and healing power and then blends this therapy with philosophical consultation and dialogue in order to create a stress-releasing, leisurely, technological, and artistic lifestyle in the post-epidemic age. Besides the preface and conclusion, this paper consists of four parts: part 1: preface; part 2: life design thinking and philosophical consultation; part 3: a special adaptability formula based on I Ching; part 4: a special comfort formula based on Daoism; part 5: a special aromatherapy based on the Avatamsaka Sutra; part 6: conclusion.
