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篇名 一個面向認知悖論的弗完全認知邏輯系統
卷期 50:2=585
並列篇名 A Paracomplete Multi-agent Epistemic Logic System Facing Epistemic Paradoxes
作者 郝旭東
頁次 153-169
關鍵字 弗完全邏輯認知邏輯排中律真矛盾悖論Paracomplete logicEpistemic LogicThe Law of Excluded MiddleDialetheiaParadoxA&HCI
出刊日期 202302




P₁ is a paracomplete logic system, in which the law of excluded middle is generally invalid. Based on P₁, a paracomplete multi-agent epistemic logic systems P₁EₘK can be constructed by logical expansion. The soundness and completeness of these systems are proved, and their special theorems are also presented in this study. In this type of system, the epistemic version of the law of excluded middle and the principle of explosion are invalid. This study applies the logical technique of paracomplete logic to epistemic logic, constructs a new philosophical logic system, i.e. a paracomplete epistemic logic system. This study not only promotes the further development of paracomplete logic, but also fully demonstrates the value of paracomplete logic as a solution to the underlying logic of epistemic paradox.
