
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 《太平御覽》引《山海經》相關問題考述
卷期 44
並列篇名 Examining the issues concerning the citations of Shan Hai Jing in Taiping Yulan
作者 鹿憶鹿
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 《山海經》《太平御覽》李昉尤袤曹善Shan Hai JingTaiping YulanLi FangYou MaoCao ShanTHCI
出刊日期 202211


北宋太平興國年間,李昉等人奉敕進行大型類書《太平御覽》編纂, 內容凡一千卷,分五十五門,五千四百餘類,收錄的書籍有一千六百多 種。《御覽》對《山海經》經文、注文的徵引非常全面,共有六百餘次。《御覽》成書近兩百年,南宋尤袤池陽郡齋本《山海經》刊刻問世,《御 覽》引用的《山海經》條目,有許多與池陽郡齋刊本經文、注文有出人, 應來自不同的本子。《御覽》保存大量的《山海經》異文,既可以對校 後世《山海經》傳本的經文、注文,又可以補尤本《山海經》無《圖贊》 的缺憾。明清以來的《山海經》研究者,僅郝懿行特別注意到《御覽》 等類書對《山海經》的引用,並以此參校《箋疏》所據的版本。然而, 值得注意的是,由於時代限制,郝懿行在撰述《箋疏》之際,似乎未見 到宋版《御覽》,引用的應是明清的版本,與現今流傳的宋版差異極多。 本文以《御覽》對《山海經》的徵引為中心,參照南宋尤袤本、元代曹 善手抄本,以及唐代的《初學記》、《藝文類聚》等書,同時也徵引不 同典籍注疏中的《山海經》引文,依序對照經文、注文、《圖贊》,經過多重比對,釐清《山海經》的諸多相關問題。


During Taiping Xingguo in Northern Song dynasty, scholars such as Li Fang coordinated and compiled the great leishu, Taiping Yulan, due to the edict of the emperor. There were 1000 volumes which were divided into 55 sections, about 5400 categories, including more than 1600 kinds of books. In Yulan, it quoted the text of Shan Hai Jing and notes 600 times, which was very comprehensive. Over 2 centuries after the publication of Yulan, You Mao’s Chiyang county version, which was the earliest known version of Shan Hai Jing was carved and published in Southern Song dynasty. The quotations of Shan Hai Jing in Yulan was pretty different from the ones in You Mao’s version. Their sources might be different. Yulan preserved an enormous amount of variants in Shan Hai Jing. It not only could be used to proofread other editions of Shan Hai Jing in later generations, but also could complement the lack of poetry in You’s version Shan Hai Jing. Among those who had studied Shan Hai Jing since Ming and Qing dynasties, Hao Yi-xing was the only one who particularly noticed the citations of Shan Hai Jing in leisu such as Yulan and referred to them when editing the version of Qianshu. However, it’s worth noting that due to temporal limitation, Hao did not seem to come across the Yulan from Song dynasty when editing Qianshu. The versions Hao cited might be the versions from Ming and Qing dynasties and differ from the version from Song dynasty which is circulating today. This paper centers on the citations of “Shan Hai Jing” in Yulan and refers to the hand-written copies of “Shan Hai Jing” authored by You Mao from Southern Song dynasty and Chao Shan from Yuan dynasty, as well as books such as Chu Xue Ji and Yi Wen Lei Ju. It also refers to the quotations of Shan Hai Jing noted in various classic books and compares texts, footnotes, and Tu Zan sequentially, determining the better version through sorting and multiple comparisons.
