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篇名 拜登政府對俄能源政策轉變之研究
卷期 79
並列篇名 Analyzing the Change of Biden Administration's Energy Policy toward Russia
作者 葉長城
頁次 091-119
關鍵字 美國俄羅斯能源俄烏戰爭United StatesRussiaenergyRussia-Ukraine War
出刊日期 202207


石油(oil)與天然氣(natural gas)等能源(energy)供應係現代各國民生經濟、產業與國防等各層面發展的重要戰略物資,迄今全球初級能源消費(primary energy consumption)仍大量依賴化石燃料供應所需。因此,當2022年俄烏戰爭(Russia-Ukraine War)擴大導致國際升高對俄羅斯此一全球石油與天然氣供應大國之制裁後,其所可能衍生的廣泛影響即成為當前全球關切的重要議題之一。本文在研析近期美國拜登政府(Biden Administration)對俄國能源政策之轉變後發現,由於美國目前已係全球最大石油與天然氣生產國,且其石油貿易進出口量在2019年時即已達到接近平衡狀態,同時美國自俄國進口能源佔比亦相對較低。因此,自2014年俄國佔領烏克蘭克里米亞(Crimea)地區後,美國對俄國之能源政策基本上即係以執行相關制裁(sanction)措施為主軸。而歐巴馬政府(Obama Administration)與川普政府(Trump Administration)時期,美國對俄國的能源政策操作多半集中於限制俄國生產能力、協助盟友或友好國家減少對俄國的能源依賴為主。惟在2022年俄烏戰爭擴大爆發後,拜登政府在推動歐美及全球其他夥伴國全面制裁俄國的總體戰略下,針對俄國能源部門的制裁已轉為朝一併採取封鎖其海外重要出口市場、加強限制俄國生產能力相關措施之力道等方向升級。最後,本文除說明拜登政府升高對俄國能源部門制裁之打擊面與深度的政策轉變可能帶來的主要影響外,亦提供其日後觀察重點供未來相關研究參考。


The supply of energy such as oil and natural gas, is an important strategic material for the development of the economy, industry and national defense of modern countries. So far, the global primary energy consumption still relies heavily on the fossil fuels. Therefore, when the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022 leads to the increasing of international sanctions against Russia, one of major global oil and natural gas suppliers, their possible comprehensive impact has become one of the important global issues recently. After analyzing the change of Biden Administration's energy policy toward Russia, this article argues that because the U.S. is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas products, and its oil trade was close to a balance since 2019, and the proportion of U.S. imported energy from Russia is also relatively low. Therefore, since Russia occupied the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014, the U.S. energy policy toward Russia has basically revolved around the implementation of relevant sanction measures. During the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration, most of the U.S. energy policy toward Russia focused on limiting Russia's production capacity and assisting allies or friendly countries to reduce their energy dependence on Russia. However, after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022, the Biden Administration, under the overall strategy of promoting comprehensive sanctions against Russia in Europe, the United States and other global partner countries, has turned the sanctions against Russia's oil sector into the combinational measures of blocking its important overseas export markets, strengthening and escalating the sanctions to limit Russia's production capacity. Finally, in addition to explaining the possible main impact of the change of Biden Administration's energy policy toward Russia, this article also provides several foci of observation for the reference of related research in the future.
