
Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management

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篇名 Construction Strategic Project Readiness Assessment
卷期 12:1
作者 Mahdi SafaKelly WeeksAshraf ELHoubiNomita SharmaSandra MacGillivray
頁次 013-024
關鍵字 Project managementknowledge managementinformation technologyconstruction
出刊日期 202201
DOI 10.32738/JEPPM-2022-0002



Proper use of construction strategic management consists of strategic planning for controlling the implementation of strategies during front-end planning (FEP). To improve FEP effort, industry best practice instrument, i.e., Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) has been used to ensure continued alignment and focus on strategic project priorities. This study proposes a methodology for creating a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of big post-mining data from organizations that have implemented PDRI, as a standardized tool used across capital project portfolios. The results show that the proposed methodology has the potential to improve project success when applied as a benchmark of baseline conditions, the element level.
