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篇名 多元物流平臺行銷企劃之研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Research on Design and Marketing Planning of Multiple Logistics Platform
作者 趙麗萍樊祖燁周宥慈葉于瑄
頁次 146-158
關鍵字 第三方物流C2C新服務發展物流管理綠色物流third party logisticsC2Cnew service developmentlogistics managementgreen logistics
出刊日期 202303
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202303_12(1).0012




In the post-epidemic era, consumers' demand for logistics has gradually increased. Most traditional logistics platforms are mainly delivering goods in large quantities. Not only is the quality difficult to grasp, consumers can only endure a long wait, but the expected delivery speed is not as good as expected. This study found this phenomenon; therefore, it is decided to use the evaluation research method to conduct research and developed the "FLYTIDE" C2C multi-logistics platform in order to offer one-stop service to meet the freight requires of consumers, and to choose the arrival time flexibly. This platform adopts the method of receiving orders to deliver goods, so that not only the delivery time is more flexible, but the quality can also be maintained at a certain level. When there are urgent documents, this platform provides fast delivery service. There are various models of vehicles on this platform for customers to choose flexibly to meet different freight needs. In addition to providing users with convenient operation by means of one-key, the system operation can view the progress and status of goods delivery through the system's hot spot tracking function, and can contact the delivery driver online to create the development of innovative services.

