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篇名 國際雙向代購平臺設計與行銷之研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Research on Design and Marketing of Two-way International Surrogate Shopping Platform
作者 趙麗萍樊祖燁黃詩云魏慎萱
頁次 218-233
關鍵字 電商平臺代購物流客戶關係管理第三方支付e-commerce platformpurchasing agentlogisticscustomer relationshipthird-party payment
出刊日期 202303
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202303_12(1).0018




Globalization has refrained shopping and consumption methods from the restrictions of regions and time differences and has led to changes in consumption and sales patterns. However, most of the Taiwan e-commerce platforms are limited within the regions of Taiwan. If you want to buy foreign products in Taiwan, you must go to foreign merchants’ websites to buy them. This study hopes to design a two-way international surrogate shopping communication e-commerce platform and expand the business scope to the world through the evaluation research method to meet the needs of sellers and buyers in global transactions. The platform connects sellers, buyers, logistics and insurance companies through API technology, provides a complete and good online shopping experience, and meets buyers and sellers who need cross-border shopping, to create the company's long-term competitive advantage.

