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篇名 論拉內人學思想的超驗性特徵
卷期 50:3=586
並列篇名 On the Transcendental Features of Rahner’s Anthropological Thought
作者 宗曉蘭
頁次 165-179
關鍵字 人學超驗經驗超性生存狀態自我通傳AnthropologyTranscendenceSupernatual ExistentialSelf-revelationA&HCI
出刊日期 202303




Rahner’s anthropological thoughts are embodied as transcendental features in both metaphysical anthropology and theological anthropology. First of all, his anthropological thought uses the “transcendental” method to study people, which is to explore the innate possibility condition of human cognition. Compared with Kant’s transcendental method, Rahner’s transcendental method has a certain relationship but is not completely the same. Its transcendental method not only has the characteristics of the horizontal direction, on the basis of inheriting the epistemological thought of the scholastic philosopher Thomas, it is believed that the transcendental method also has the meaning of vertical direction; Secondly, Rahner’s analysis and interpretation of transcendental experience in people’s daily life believes that human transcendental experience is, from a philosophical point of view, “co-consciousness” or “self-awareness” that occurs simultaneously with the cognitive process, and from a theological point of view, from a theological point of view, it is the subject’s infinite and extensive openness to all possible realities; Thirdly, Rahner believes that human beings are in a state of “super existence”, in the essential connection with God. Starting from God’s universal salvation willingness and combining his theory of grace, Rahner pointed out that God’s self-revelation is the source of man’s “supernatual existential” state, and the motivation and purpose of man’s self-transcendence experience.
