
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 教師建構學生內容知識之探究:以國中國文科教學實踐為例
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 How Teachers Construct Content Knowledge for Students: A Case Study on Middle School Mandarin Teaching Practice
作者 洪郁婷卯靜儒
頁次 105-134
關鍵字 國中國文教學教師知識教學實踐學生內容知識middle school Mandarin teachingteacher's knowledgeteaching practiceknowledge of content and studentsTSSCI
出刊日期 202301
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202301_26(1).0005




As the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum emphasizes student-centered curriculum and teaching, it is imperative to construct teachers' knowledge to “understand students' learning contexts.” This qualitative case study is over a two-academic-year period, and the participants are three Mandarin teachers in the professional learning community of a middle school. Data collection includes classroom and community observations, interviews, and relevant documents. This study aims to reveal further the process and the meaning of constructing knowledge of content and students in the teaching practice of Mandarin. The results of this study showed that teachers initially understood students' learning contexts through teacher-student dialogues and student learning evidence in the classroom. Based on this, teachers gradually incorporated students' life experiences and issues of civil society into the design of questions; that is, teachers and students jointly constructed the critical curriculum content to expand students' learning contexts. The abovementioned process of constructing knowledge of content and students not only solves the dilemma of some selected traditional texts being disconnected to the contemporary contexts in the Mandarin textbooks, but also alleviates the power inequality in the classrooms. The conclusions of this study can be a reference for future research on knowledge of content and students.
