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篇名 日本琉球民族策略路徑探討-民族認同與國際權力結構分析
卷期 519
並列篇名 Research on the Strategic Pathways of the Ryukyuan people in Japan - Analysis of National Identity and International Power Structure
作者 賴郁璇
頁次 051-062
關鍵字 琉球分離運動策略選擇民族自決國際權力結構Ryukyuan peopleStrategic PathwaysSelf-determinationInternational authority structure
出刊日期 202303




According to the common article 1 of the ICCPR, all people including Ryukyuan peoples, have the right to self-determination. Therefore, this article attempts to explain what the strategic pathways for Ryukyuan people are. This paper divides the strategies of separatist movement into three types. One is Partition, another is Autonomy, and the other is Secession. Also, this thesis uses the factors of National identity, international authority structure, political and economic factors to analyze. Try to discuss the issue of the Ryukyuan as an example, and simulate a decision-making path diagram.
