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篇名 從列維納斯的他者哲學論與不在場者的倫理關係
卷期 50:4=587
並列篇名 On the Relationship with the Absentee from the Perspective of Levinas’s Philosophy of the Other
作者 鄧元尉
頁次 085-100
關鍵字 列維納斯他者不在場者死亡責任LevinasThe OtherAbsenteeDeathResponsibilityA&HCI
出刊日期 202304




Most ethical thinking presupposes the presence of the other. On the contrary, in the light of Levinas’s philosophy of the other, especially take his “Diachrony and Representation” as the main text, I want to discuss an ethic with the premise of “absence,” that is, the ethical relationship between the other as absentee and the self. In this article, firstly, I will characterize the ethic of presence through the concepts of synchrony and reciprocity; and secondly use the concepts of diachrony and asymmetry to discuss what is the ethic of absence. I attempt to develop this ethic of absence on the subject of the death of the other, and further investigate the responsibility of the self as a moral subject. Finally, I attempt to point out that the existential structure of subject could be disclosed in terms of the two temporal dimensions of “the immemorial past” and “the unexpected future” of the other which are gathered on the self. This structure emphasizes the uniqueness of my own responsibility, and reveals that, the presented self, as a survivor, is to substitutes for the other in a situation of anachronism.
