
台灣公共衛生雜誌 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 北台灣某大學學生接受心理健康促進與自殺防治守門人課程之效益研究
卷期 42:2
並列篇名 Effectiveness of mental health and suicide prevention course in northern Taiwan
作者 吳欣庭吳佳儀李明濱路馥銘侯庭凱汪聖偉
頁次 233-250
關鍵字 大學生心理健康自殺防治守門人訓練縱貫性研究college studentsmental healthsuicide preventiongatekeeper traininglongitudinal studyScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202304
DOI 10.6288/TJPH.202304_42(2).111116




Objectives: This study investigated 1) changes in mental distress and suicide risk levels among participants of a 16-week suicide prevention course and 2) the effectiveness of the suicide prevention course. Methods: A total of 159 undergraduate students enrolled in a mental health promotion and suicide prevention course in northern Taiwan were enrolled. Online questionnaires were used to collect data on participant demographics and psychosocial status. The questionnaire was based on a suicide perception scale, a sense of resilience scale, a sense of thriving scale, and self-rated academic and life situation scales. A paired sample t-test was conducted. Results: Among the 159 participants, 30.2% were at high risk of suicide. The course had significant effects on suicide perception, resilience and coping, sense of thriving, and self-rated life situation. Additionally, suicidal ideation distress significantly decreased after the program. However, no significant changes in mental distress levels or self-rated academic scores were observed. Conclusions: The 16-week suicide prevention course led to improvements in knowledge, sense of resilience, sense of thriving, lifestyle adjustments, and suicidal ideation. No effects on the five variables of the mental distress assessment were observed. These findings aid universities in Taiwan in designing mental health and suicide prevention courses.
