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篇名 超越亞里斯多德——伽達默爾與詮釋學視域下的實踐哲學道
卷期 50:6=589
並列篇名 Beyond Aristotle — Gadamer and the Path of Practical Philosophy in the Hermeneutic Perspective
作者 王宏健馬小虎
頁次 133-148
關鍵字 伽達默爾亞里斯多德柏拉圖實踐哲學實踐智慧GadamerAristotlePlatoPractical PhilosophyPractical WisdomA&HCI
出刊日期 202306




This paper focuses on how Gadamer goes beyond Aristotle’s scheme of practical philosophy guided by hermeneutic problem awareness. First, we will point out that Gadamer encountered an “aporia of the commonality” in his interpretation of Aristotle’s concept of practical wisdom. This dilemma is manifested in two ways: first, the inherent contradiction between practical wisdom and mutual understanding, and second, the inability of practical wisdom to provide some universally valid norms and values. It was this aporia that led Aristotle to resort to the universality of theory, thus making practical wisdom an appendage of theoretical wisdom. It was to overcome this aporia that Gadamer tried to go back to Plato, so as to achieve a balance between selfhood and otherness, between the concrete and the universal. At the same time, he reintroduces the demand for universality in practical philosophy, that is, the establishment of a concrete, historical universality.
