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篇名 2021年台灣十大印刷電路板廠商相對競爭地位及營運策略調整建議
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 The 2021 Competitive Position and Improving Strategies of Taiwan’s Top 10 PCB Companies
作者 李宗耀張容榕李貞慧溫春玉
頁次 125-156
關鍵字 台灣印刷電路板廠商多元尺度法主成份分析法集群分析法競爭地位分析經營策略Taiwanese PCB CompaniesMultidimensional ScalingK-means Clustering AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisCompetitive PositionBusiness StrategiesTSSCI
出刊日期 202306


印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board, PCB)產業在台灣已形成群聚效果,2021年全球市場佔有率達33.9%,居世界第一,在台灣各電子相關產業均扮演關鍵上游角色,對台灣經濟發展貢獻卓著。台灣前10大PCB廠商2021年的營業額約4千3百億元,佔全台PCB產業總營業額約43%。本研究之目的是探討此10大PCB廠商之相對競爭地位,並提出個別廠商發揮競爭優勢的營運策略調整建議,可供未來投資方向與企業發展的參考。本研究將這10家PCB廠商的8項營運財務指標資料透過多元尺度法運算得到各PCB廠商在2維X軸與Y軸的平面分布。並經由主成分分析法將各廠商的8種評估指標依其性質萃取成2個主要成份,依據成分1包含的主要因素特性,可將Y軸命名為「投入效益軸」;依據成分2包含的主要因素特性,可將X軸命名為「實際獲利軸」,依據各廠商的X座標與Y座標透過集群分析法可將10家廠商分為4個群體。各群體依據其地位圖的落點可以分為高獲利、中獲利和低獲利三類。其中第2群的廠商具有高獲利的能力;第1群和第3群的廠商具有中獲利的能力;而第4群的廠商則僅具備低獲利的能力。就投入效益分析,依據各廠商地位圖的落點可以發現,南電公司的效益最高。


Taiwan’s PCB (Printed Circuit Board) industry occupied 33.9% of the world market share in 2021, and possessed the world’s No. 1 position. It has established very competitive clustering effect in Taiwan, which serves as the key upstream supplier attributable for the success of Taiwan’s electronic industries. The top 10 PCB companies accounted for 43% of the total revenue of Taiwan’s PCB industry. It is the objective of this research to understand the relative competitive positioning of these 10 PCB companies. Multidimensional Scaling method was used to convert each company’s 8 financial indexes into a position in a two-dimensional diagram. The 8 financial indexes can be grouped into two principal factors using Principal Component Analysis. The Y-Axis can be represented by the Input Effectiveness factor, and the X-Axis can be represented by the Profitability factor. Using the Clustering Analysis, the top 10 PCB companies can be characterized into 4 clusters. The 2nd cluster has the highest profitability, the 1st and 3rd clusters have the medium profitability, and the 4th cluster has the relatively low profitability. Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corporation has the highest input effectiveness. The improving strategies for companies in each of the 4 clusters are recommended.
