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篇名 論命題態度脈絡裡的認知涵義——從語義內容∕交流內容區分之爭看
卷期 50:8=591
並列篇名 On Cognitive Significance in the Context of Propositional Attitude — From the Distinction between What is Said and What is Communicated
作者 虞若昀張力鋒
頁次 167-184
關鍵字 命題態度專名直接指稱指稱晦暗Propositional AttitudeProper NamesDirect ReferenceReferential OpacityA&HCI
出刊日期 202308




This essay mainly deals with puzzles about propositional attitude report, focusing on proper names, trying to find out how direct reference theory can find a way out of the puzzle. First and foremost, the essay will clarify what does “puzzles about propositional attitude report” mean. Then, we introduce Quine’s distinction between relational/ notational reading and transparent/ opaque circumstances, and argue that the two distinctions are different. By applying the two distinction, we can analyze propositional attitude report. After that, we investigate Salmon’s solution to the puzzle and Recanati’s objection against Salmon. Finally, in response to Recanati’s rebuttal, we will consider how Salmon can reply to it. Against the first rebuttal, we will show why the Availability Principle fails. Against the second rebuttal, we will illustrate how Salmon explains the circumstance when propositional attitude report is negated.
