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篇名 照護一位COVID-19防疫期間入住護理之家之新住民遷移壓力經驗
卷期 34:2=122
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of a Newly Admitted Nursing Home Elder who Suffered from Relocation Stress during COVID-19 Prevention Period
作者 林莉筑曾怡萍高薏茹周燕芳
頁次 121-131
關鍵字 護理之家遷移壓力COVID-19防疫期nursing homerelocation stressCOVID-19 prevention period
出刊日期 202306
DOI 10.6386/CGN.202306_34(2).0011




This report describes the nursing experience of caring an elderly hemodialysis patient who experienced catheter-related infections due to a lack of clarity regarding catheter care. Confronting dialysis and ineffective catheter care issues, the patient endured feelings of loss, hopelessness, and other negative emotions. The nursing care period spanned from December 17 to December 22, 2018. Data collection involved observation, interviews, listening, and reviewing medical records. Gordon's 11-items functional health pattern was employed to assess the patient's health problems, revealing three nursing issues: impaired tissue integrity, knowledge deficit, and hopelessness. Throughout the care period, the author established a strong nurse-patient relationship through active listening and encouraged family members to actively participate in the care plan. Visual aids, such as photos and videos, were provided to educate the patient and family members about proper catheter care, leading to a heightened understanding of its importance. Furthermore, when the patient encountered difficulties and felt helpless and hopeless, the author facilitated open communication and emotional expression by involving family members and other dialysis patients. The patient's thoughts and needs were respected, and psychological support was readily available. As a result, the patient developed a positive attitude towards home care, ultimately achieving and maintaining good health status after returning home.
