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篇名 複雜醫療照護需求兒童之協調照護
卷期 27:5
並列篇名 Coordination Care for Children with Medical Complexity
作者 鄭淨文
頁次 631-637
關鍵字 複雜醫療照護需求兒童照護協調children with medical complexitycare coordinatedTSCI
出刊日期 202309
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202309_27(5).0012




Children with medical complexity are defined as children with one or more chronic conditions that are medically evaluated as significant vulnerabilities, which increase their needs for health and other services, and leading to increased health care expenditures. The care needs of them can be categorized as proximate care, coordinated care, and comprehensive care. Children's care needs should be based on the principles of mitigating the severity of chronic illness, responding immediately to the needs of the child and family, maximizing the child's functional capacity, and avoiding ineffective or non-essential use of medical resources. The caregiver's care needs are reflected in emotional adjustment and communication. As for the parents’ preparation for discharge, it can be supplemented by providing information about the child's condition and resorting to the discharge summary and other supporting tools. To better equip parents with caregiving knowledge and to improve the effectiveness of post-discharge care, discharge planning should include measures such as “pre-discharge training programs,” “home visits by nurse practitioners,” and “hospice care” interventions. The effectiveness of these interventions depends on the extent to which the government supports advanced practice nurses in care coordination. In this regard, the government should continue to ensure that care coordination is implemented properly by including expenditures in the cost structure. Researchers may draw on the core concepts of comprehensive care programs and conduct appropriate study design and outcome measures to highlight the needs for care coordination from an empirical perspective. This is the basis for the argument calling on the government and the community to promote care coordination to meet the needs of these children.

