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篇名 應用標準化舌象特徵知識與客製化APP於中醫舌診案例收集
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Applying Standardized Tongue Features Knowledge and Customized APP for TCM Tongue Diagnosis Case Collection
作者 邱宏彬葉明憲張自隆林迺衛林柏伸葉家舟
頁次 136-146
關鍵字 中醫辨證舌診客製化APP病例報告traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiationtongue diagnosiscustomized APPcase reports
出刊日期 202309
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202309_12(2).0011




Applying the tongue features information obtained by the tongue diagnosis can effectively improve the effect of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment. However, in the current clinical environment, there are still considerable limitations in recording and collecting complete tongue diagnosis cases. This study develops an assisted APP system for TCM tongue diagnosis. With the standardized tongue characteristics and pathogenesis knowledge provided by it, it assists TCM doctors to combine their diagnostic experiences for tongue diagnosis evaluation and case recording to overcome many current limitations of tongue diagnosis. When a doctor diagnoses a patient, the APP can prompt the pathogenesis descriptions of all the tongue features to assist the doctor in syndrome differentiation, and can record the complete experience of tongue diagnosis in the form of consistent text and images, which is not only beneficial for diagnostic teaching, and can be used for subsequent data analysis. In this study, 30 case reports from three different sources were used, and the tongue images, tongue characteristics and syndrome differentiation descriptions were extracted from these case reports to verify the tongue diagnosis results of the system. The results show that the diagnostic results using the assisted APP have a high degree of agreement with these medical cases. The results of this study can assist TCM doctors to conduct more effective and accurate syndrome differentiation, which is of great value in helping clinical diagnosis.
