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篇名 新冠失眠之概念分析
卷期 70:5
並列篇名 _A Concept Analysis
作者 饒珮平馮欣蓓曾雯琦
頁次 084-090
關鍵字 新冠肺炎失眠睡眠障礙概念分析COVID-19insomniasleep disordersconcept analysisMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 202310
DOI 10.6224/JN.202310_70(5).11




COVID-19 has been a global pandemic for three years. Symptoms experienced by patients with this disease include fever, cough, fatigue, muscle pain, and diarrhea as well as mental health issues. The terms “coronasomnia” and “COVID-somnia” emerged in 2021 to describe sleep disorders attributable to stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the concept analysis method proposed by Walker & Avant (2019) was utilized to define the concept of coronasomnia (Walker & Avant, 2019), with three key attributes identified, including COVID-related anxiety or depression; insomnia that emerges after the pandemic; and experiencing difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, or early morning awakenings accompanied by difficulty returning to sleep. Furthermore, the concept was elucidated in this study using typical, borderline, opposite, and relative cases. Lastly, evidence-based tools for validating the antecedents and consequences of coronasomnia were introduced. We hope the results of this concept analysis enhance nurses' understanding of coronasomnia and facilitate the implementation of clinical care and research in this area.
