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篇名 蜀石經所見《周禮.考工記》文本管窺
卷期 復刊17
並列篇名 An investigation of Zhou Li Kao Gong Ji inscribed in Shu Stone Classics
作者 虞萬里
頁次 165-195
關鍵字 開成石經蜀石經周禮考工記祖本宋刻本Kaicheng Stone ClassicsShu Stone ClassicsZhou Li Kao Gong Jioriginal versionsong edition
出刊日期 202304




The Stone Classics of the Tang Dynasty are regarded as an important document which follows the early version and is the basis of the later versions. The following problems cannot be ignored in the circulation of Confucian Classics: First, whether the Shu 蜀 Stone Classics and Tang 唐 Stone Classics are both formed on the basis of the Taihe 太和 version or not; Second, what is the impact of the Shu Stone Classics on the later Tang Changxing 長興 version, the Northern Song Jingde 景德 version and other later versions? Focusing on the incomplete rubbings of the Shu Stone Classics Zhou Li Kao Gong Ji 周禮考工記, from the literature on the topic and the texts themselves, it can be inferred that the annotated Taihe version is the early version of the Shu Stone Classics and the Kaicheng 開成 Stone Classics. The Kaicheng Stone Classics just takes the text and simply proofreads it, but the Shu Stone Classics takes the text and the notes, so the annotation of the Shu Stone Classics has roughly the appearance of the Taihe version. Also, the annotation of the Changxing version is based on the Taihe version and collates many versions, so there is a big difference between them, which is witnessed by Shi Jing Zhu Wen Kao Yi 石經注文考異. Through the annotation of the Shu Stone Classics, researchers can partially understand the appearance of the Taihe version and some earlier versions, but it is still roughly collated and there are many mistakes.
