
嶺南學報 THCI

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篇名 惠周惕《詩説》的成書歷程
卷期 復刊17
並列篇名 The writing process of Hui Zhouti's Shi Shuo
作者 張素卿
頁次 287-315
關鍵字 經學典範漢學寫本通儒Study of Confucian classicsparadigmHan LearningmanuscriptErudite Confucian
出刊日期 202304




Hui Dong was the key figure in the Qing Dynasty study of the Classics. And the writings of Hui's family began with Hui Zhouti's Shi Shuo (詩説). This paper examines the manuscript of Yanjixiansheng Shi Shuo(研溪先生詩説) in the Kyoto University Library book collection, starting with the circulation of the manuscript, and then comparing the differences between this manuscript and the popular version. The single volume of Hui Zhouti's Shi Shuo was first divided into two volumes, and finally three volumes. The key period for finalizing the book was about the sixteenth to twenty-second years of the Kangxi reign. From the first draft to the three-volume edition, many articles were added, and the “Guofeng (國風)” added a particularly large number of articles, either to embellish the text, or to supplement the literature, or to strengthen the argument, and the purpose of the writing was roughly determined at the time of the first draft. Hui Zhouti's literature and scholarship were influenced by Wang Wan(汪琬), emphasizing that the text should be based on Confucian classics. He studied and examined the Han Confucian Zheng Xuan(鄭玄) and the Song Confucian Zhu Xi(朱熹). In the “Shishuo” he interpreted the classics without following any special master, and most of the interpretations were his own opinion, in fact, he viewed himself as an Erudite Confucian, but did not yet view himself as the specialist in “Han Learning”.
