
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 從「誡淫」到「痴情」:論《紅樓夢》第十二回的翻譯詮釋及於島崎藤村與北村透谷的創作影響
卷期 41
並列篇名 From “Admonition” to “Infatuation”: A Study on Japanese Translation of Twelfth Chapter of Dream of the Red Chamber and the Acceptance on Shimazaki Toson and Kitamura Tokoku’s Novel
作者 蘇恆毅
頁次 091-120
關鍵字 《紅樓夢》日譯本〈紅樓夢の一節:風月寶鑑の辭〉島崎藤村北村透谷文本接受翻譯詮釋Japanese Translation of Dream of the Red Chamber“Koromu no Issetsu: Fugetsu Houkan no Shi”Shimazaki TosonKitamura Tokokutext acceptedtranslation interprtaationTHCI
出刊日期 202306




The writing theme of “admonition” on the twelfth chapter of Dream of Red Chamber can be seen from the content of the novel and Zhi Yanzhai's comments. The Japanese novelist Shimazaki Toson (1872-1943) was translated this chapter about Jia Rui’s humiliation, lovesickness, and died because he was looking at Fengyue Baojian for translation. This Translation was published in the “Jogaku Zasshi” in the 25th year of Meiji (1892). Shimazaki Toson’s translation is preceded by an introduction, saying that Jia Rui died of “infatuation”, and his translation is based on the original work, adding two paragraphs of text, so that the purpose of the original work’s “admonition” is transformed into “infatuation”. It can be seen that Shimazaki Toson reinterpreted Dream of Red Chamber through translation. This way of interpretation is related to Shimazaki Toson’s love experience, and it is also reflected in his novel creation. In addition, the transformed theme of this translation was also accepted by Kitamura Tokoku (1868-1894), who was also one of the writers of the “Jogaku Zasshi”, and wrote the novel Shukukonkyo. Therefore, this article transforms the theme of the twelfth chapter of Dream of the Red Chamber in “Koromu no Issetsu: Fugetsu Houkan no Shi”, and investigates the influence of Shimazaki Toson’s view of love on its translation, and then analyzes the themes of Shimazaki Toson and Kitamura Tokoku’s novels , to understand the two people's understanding and acceptance of the theme of this chapter, and why there is room for reinterpretation of the twelfth chapter of “Dream of the Red Chamber” in Japan.
