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篇名 美與默觀成神:一項對普羅提諾與尼薩的額我略的比較研究
卷期 50:10=593
並列篇名 Beauty and Deification through Contemplation: A Comparative Study of Plotinus and Nyssa of Nyssa
作者 張欣
頁次 003-018
關鍵字 默觀普羅提諾尼薩的額我略成神ContemplaitonPlotinusGregory of NyssaBeautyDeificationA&HCI
出刊日期 202310



How the Greek and Hebrew traditions encountered, dialogued, and merged in the early church, is a constant question for scholars who study late antiquity, Christian history, and even even Western intellectual history. Against such a leviathanic query, this study intends to provide a case study for understanding the changes through a historical-theological approach by comparing Plotinus’s and Gregory of Nyssa’s discourses on Beauty. The basis of the comparative research is the similarity between the two thinkers on the subject: they both inherit Plato’s theory of theosis through contemplation and defend against Plato’s criticism of figurative beauty. It also demonstrates the differences between their theories of beauty. Plotinus argues that Beauty is in the soul due to the latter’s divine nature and that the soul can regain beauty through self-contemplating, while Gregory argues that Christ is Beauty that actively manifests, and that, in Christ’s new creation the soul becomes divine through contemplating Christ.
