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篇名 由「亞當.史密斯問題」看《道德情感論》中利他與利己性問題
卷期 50:10=593
並列篇名 Looking at the Theory of Moral Sentiments’ Self-Interest and Altruism from the Perspective of the Adam Smith Problem
作者 黃苓嵐
頁次 107-121
關鍵字 利己利他同情亞當.史密斯問題Self-InterestAltruismSympathyAdam Smith ProblemA&HCI
出刊日期 202310


亞當.史密斯(Adam Smith, 1723-1790)的兩部傳世巨著《國富論》(The Wealth of Nations, 1776)與《道德情感論》(The Theory of Moral Sentiments,1759)長久以來引發的爭議在於:在《國富論》中,史密斯強調每個人應努力發展自身利益,但在《道德情感論》中,史密斯卻又強調人際間的「同情」概念的重要性,是以,部份學者認為史密斯在前者對「自利」的強調,以及後者對「利他」的重視,存在著嚴重的分歧與矛盾,更有學者以「亞當.史密斯問題」來指稱這種不一致。但是否真有所謂的「亞當.史密斯問題」?本文希望從其著作的歷史性回溯出發,再透過文本中的重要概念進行比對,最後回到史密斯的「同情」概念的探討,來檢視「利他」與「自利」在史密斯的著作中,是否真的存在嚴重的衝突。故本論文擬分成四個部份進行:一、何謂「亞當.史密斯問題」;二、「亞當.史密斯問題」究竟存在與否;三、在《道德情感論》中,其同情概念,是出於一種利他考量,或是利己。四、同情概念若是出於利己性,則此理論又具有什麼意義與價值。


Through the ages, Adam Smith’s (1723-1790) two masterpieces, The Wealth of Nations (1776) and The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) have sparked controversies. These controversies have arisen due to Smith’s emphasis in The Wealth of Nations that everyone should strive to develop self-interests; yet in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith emphasized the importance of the concept of interpersonal “sympathy”. Thus, some scholars believe that Smith's former emphasis on “self-interest” and latter emphasis on “altruism” are severely divergent and contradictory. Some scholars refer to this inconsistency as the “Adam Smith Problem”. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to explore whether the so-called “Adam Smith Problem” truly exists. Is Smith's concept of “sympathy” in The Theory of Moral Sentiments really a statement of altruism or does it encompass self-interest? This paper explores this issue in four parts. First, this paper explains what the “Adam Smith Problem” is. Second, it explores whether the “Adam Smith Problem” truly exists. Third, this paper discusses whether the concept of sympathy in The Theory of Moral Sentiments is motivated by altruistic consideration, or by self-interest. The final portion of this paper asks that if the motivation is self-interest, then what is the significance and value of this theory.
