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篇名 「一」與「天心」——《說苑.反質》篇所載〈鳲鳩〉詩傳發微
卷期 50:10=593
並列篇名 One and Tianxin: On the Commentary of “Shijiu” in Shuo Yuan
作者 賀敢碩
頁次 155-170
關鍵字 天心一心一儀誠質OneTianxinYixin Yiyi Cheng and ZhiA&HCI
出刊日期 202310




The commentary of “Shijiu”, which is preserved in Liu Xiang’s Shuo Yuan, maintains a close connection with the hermeneutic tradition of The Book of Songs on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also presents a unique path of problematic awareness. The tension between One and Tianxin (Heavenly Heart) is central to understanding the context of the commentary: the concept of One can be traced to the original hermeneutical tradition of the poem “Shijiu”, while Tianxin points to a particular way of narrating and presenting the overall context with a unified vision, and it thus forms a relationship with One in terms of their mutual interpretation in the whole commentary. This means that the concept of Tianxin is superimposed on many different threads of thought.
