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篇名 許孚遠心性論探析
卷期 50:10=593
並列篇名 Exploration of the “Theory of the Mind and the Nature” of Xu Fuyuan
作者 劉麗莎文碧方
頁次 171-186
關鍵字 許孚遠「合靈與氣」之心非一非二Xu FuyuanNature“The Nature is the True Mind or the Conscience”“Neither One Thing nor Two”A&HCI
出刊日期 202310




As the hub of the Ganquan School, Xu Fuyuan was a student of Tang Shu and a teacher of Liu Zongzhou. Greatly influenced by Tang, Xu stuck throughout his life to the idea of “the nature is the true mind or the conscience”. Meanwhile, he also maintained that people’s nature, i.e., their true mind, could not be obscured by their habits, so he put forward the idea that the mind is the “integration of the nature and qi”. On the basis of this idea, he tried to mediate between Li Cai and Hu Zhi on their debate about what the mind and the nature are, and went further to propose the idea that the mind and the nature are “neither one thing nor two”, that is, they are inseparable but different. In Xu’s view, as long as scholars devote themselves to maintaining their mind while restoring their nature, their mind and nature would not be separated. Therefore, in Xu’s view about the mind and the nature, there are two kinds of “mind”: one that is the nature, the other that integrates the nature and qi. In fact, these two kinds of “mind” are related to the various self-cultivation methods of Xu. These thoughts of Xu Fuyuan were in fact based on his unique reflections and explorations on the shortcomings and dilemmas of Yangming tradition.
